The Six Core Qualities Your Airbnb Turnover Assistant Must Have (Plus, An Announcement!)

Your success, freedom and profitability through Airbnb is directly affected by the quality of work your houseturnover person does.

If you’re ready to uplevel your hosting by hiring an awesome houseturnover assistant, you’re in luck! Because…

I’m writing an eBook that will show you the full-spectrum ins and outs of finding, training, hiring, managing and keeping your houseturnover assistant—with bonus tips on how to transition home, how to do a space clearing, and how to find additional assistance beyond your first assistant!

Quick Time-Saving Airbnb Tip: The “Saved Messages” Feature

Often, Airbnb hosts have to type the same messages over and over again. As an Abundant Host, of course, you personalize each one… but there are some sentences we just can’t help but repeat.

Airbnb has a solution for this (in the phone app, at least), that not many people know about! Here, I’ll tell you how to use it and save yourself tons of time re-typing the same things (and you can even stop opening a different app like Notes or Evernote where you might already be copying and pasting your oft-sent messages).

The 5 Most Valuable Websites and Resources for Airbnb Hosts

Airbnb now operates in 34,000 cities in 190 countries. And yet, the information market for helping Airbnb hosts is relatively slim.

There are only a handful of forums (often thinly populated) and websites (often thin on quality content) dedicated to showing people best practices for hosting that are heart-driven and focus on providing high-quality, intentional experiences.

Here, I’ve compiled a list of sites that meet five requirements:

1) they showcase original writing and advice that can’t be found elsewhere
2) they are inspirational, authentic or connection-based
3) they offer incredible value in their free resources/posts (whether or not they also sell a product)
4) they are sites dedicated exclusively to helping hosts, not one-off pieces on big websites
5) they aren’t the blog of a paid tool or app intended merely to drive traffic toward the product

If you’re looking for quality advice, these five resources merit your coffee-shop browsing time and meticulous note-taking.

Why Décor Matters in Your Airbnb: An Interview with Mercedes Brennan of 1 Chic Retreat

I’m so honored to bring you this exclusive interview with the wonderful Mercedes Brennan of 1 Chic Retreat. Mercedes helps vacation rental owners/hosts increase their bookings by using interior design strategies to make their home stand out from the crowd—plus, she’s a damn good writer, which we at The Abundant Host very much appreciate!

The Secret to Consistently Attracting Your Ideal Airbnb Guests

What if you were guaranteed to attract your ideal guest—someone just like you? Someone who respects your space, who respects your privacy, who enjoys and takes pleasure in your surroundings. Someone you might even be friends with. I’ve implemented the following strategies with a 100% success rate for over a year. Here are my best tips for attracting the kind of guests you want in your space.

How to Welcome Yourself Home: The Traveling Host’s Guide

When I come back from long trips, I often struggle with this feeling of emptiness; usually I stay in Airbnbs too, so I sometimes feel like I’m stepping into yet another one. I want to eliminate this as soon as possible. It usually only takes a night or another day maximum. But, doing these things helps speed up the process of slowing down, and soaking in the loveliness of being home.

Guest Perspective: Please, Put Some Soul Into Your Airbnb Listing

I’m staying in a well-designed, inexpensive, clean, modern Airbnb in Florida. So, why should I have any reason to not give it 5 stars? I have five huge reasons that all add up to: it lacks soul. What is the difference between a place that has soul and a place that does not? How can you touch it? You can’t. It has to be felt. The best way I can describe it: A place that has soul exhibits a divine series of touches, accents and actions that bring about the feeling that you are having a human connection, although you’re not physically having one. Here are five things that, totaled, equal a void for me.